ModelGloss aims to:
- investigate language change with tools and methods inspired by evolutionary
- employ similarities and differences in the syntax and morphology of
languages in order to probe genetic relatedness and effects of geographical
proximity between languages;
- combine qualitative and quantitative methods in order to uncover what is
specific to the evolution of languages as opposed to the evolution of species;
- assess the historical signal contained in linguistic data from different levels.
The project uses tools inspired from evolutionary biology in order to produce a
reliable model of the interplay between genetic and areal stability of
morphosyntactic characteristics, which is crucial for a parameter-based
glossogeny. The main objectives will be to test:
- character (in)dependence and
- genetic and areal stability of morphosyntactic characteristics, in order to
develop an unbiased method for reconstruction of historical relationships
between languages, which is ultimately reflected in
- parameter hierarchies with descriptive, explanatory and historical
- a model of the interaction between genetic and areal factors in language
change, which captures the role of the various structural and socio-
historical variables in predicting possible and impossible transfers and
retentions in different historical/geographical settings.
The most important result of the project will be a novel method for the
construction of phylogenetic trees of languages, which combines biological
methods in the study of language change with recent advances in formal
comparative syntax for
- the construction of parametric hierarchies/networks with no biases or
- the objective quantification of diachronic stability/historical depth of
individual characters in a number of different domains,
- the mapping between types of parameters and modes of transmission
(genetic/vertical vs. geographic/horizontal and the corresponding rates of
- phylogenies, controlling for areal effects and an innovative modeling of
possible and impossible syntactic transfers.
We are applying our methods to reconstruct the historical evolution of Indo-
European, one of the world’s best-studied families, as well as the 100 language
sample of WALS ( Our goal is to investigate the effectiveness
and the suitability of our methods when applied to different scales of analysis
(micro-, meso-, macro-variation).